Monthly Archives: March 2023

Still Holding Its Head Up High

“Fountain Grass”
Heatherwood Meadow

Even though we have had a lot of snow and strong wind through the winter, this stately fountain grass still stands tall with its head held high. We have started pruning and cleaning our Heatherwood garden. By the end of the week, most of the grasses should be cut back ready for their spring growth surge. We have only a little over two weeks before the first day of spring.

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What a Difference One Day Will Make

“Winter Grasses and Perennials”
Heatherwood Meadow

What a difference one day will make! This image was created on 1 March. Compare with the image in my last post, taken on 28 February. We woke up to two inches of snow on the morning of the 28th. By the next day, all the snow was gone and the temperature rose to 47 degrees. Mother Nature is very fickle!

Today we will start our winter cleanup. The pruning and hedge trimming shears will be busy for the next couple of weeks. By mid-March, we hope to have given Heatherwood its late winter haircut.

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