Tag Archives: October Glory Maple

The Maples are Emerging

“Emerging October Glory Maple Leaves”
Heatherwood Spring

Here come the new leaves as a few of last year’s leaves hang on. Last fall we had some very warm weather, then a severe cold snap hit. Many of the maple leaves did not even get a chance to turn color. They just turned brown and hung on to the tree. When an early snow hit at the end of November, it loaded up wet snow on the leaf-covered branches causing several large branches to break. We are watching closely this spring to see if we need to do any additional pruning to help the trees recover.

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Last Leaves

“Last of October Glory”
Heatherwood Late Fall

The end of autumn in our Heatherwood Garden is drawing near. Our October Glory maples are the last of our standard maples to loose their leaves. This little group of leaves are the last still hanging on our maples in the woodland garden. The fallen leaves in the background cover the ground keeping our bulbs warm in the coming winter.

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