Tag Archives: Old Farms


Old Farm
Eastern Washington State

When I get a chance, I like to get off the main roads and explore from time to time with no set purpose. This day I was on my way back home from South Dakota and was tired of driving along I-90 in Eastern Washington. I decided to turn off toward the town of Odessa. Driving along a dirt road, I came across this lonesome old homestead. The old farm was still inhabited. It had a small farm house nestled in the trees behind the barn. The buildings were old and unpainted, but well kept up. The grounds were clean and neat. There were no signs of active farming. A white pickup was parked just out of sight behind the barn.

Before getting out to photograph, I sat in my Jeep and wondered what the people living here were doing. It looked like they occasionally had some animals in the fenced areas and barn. But I could not see any other evidence of active farming. All around the area were large active farms of wheat, hay, and other grains. Here was just sage brush and one or two old abandoned farm implements. I imagine the owners are people who love the rural life and have day jobs in other areas.

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