Tag Archives: Serviceberry

Spring Framing

“Serviceberries in Full Bloom”
Heatherwood Spring

These multi-stemmed serviceberries frame in a peek into our upper yard and Japanese garden. The pink phlox provides a little contrast to trap my eye. Their bloom is short lived. This image was created about a week ago. Today most of the blossoms have dropped off and cover the ground with little white petals.

As the serviceberry blossoms disappear, my attention moves on and now focuses on Heatherwood’s redbuds and crabapples. Stay tuned …

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New Blooms

“Serviceberry and Daffodils”
Heatherwood Spring

At this time of year, it is hard to keep up with all the emerging new blooms and leaves. As the blooms of the weeping cherries are receding, the flowers of the serviceberries are emerging. The serviceberry blooms are relatively short-lived. Bees are already hovering all over them. Soon small berries will develop. I must pay close attention if I want to capture an image of them. They only last a few days because birds quickly gobble them up.

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