Tag Archives: Weeping Cherry

It Is the Time of the Year…

Path of Learning
Heatherwood Spring

It is the time of the year when something is changing every day. I have a difficult time keeping up with all the changes. This week, the pink ground phlox is reaching its peak as the blossoms of our weeping cherry are fading. Each year the plants cover more and more of the ground and the shrubs and trees grow. Just 5 years ago this was a grass hillside.

Our garden path curves up around the stepping stones of the path to never-ending learning.

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A Fountain of Snow in Spring

“Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry”
Heatherwood Spring

I love to let my imagination flow as I walk through our garden. As I gaze at our Snow Fountain cherry, I squint my eyes and can visualize a mass of large snow flakes flowing out of a fountain.

This is the start of the third season in Heatherwood for this cherry. Each year the blossoms become more profuse. It anchors one side of a garden path separating a meadow area from a tree and shrub area. Its early blooms make the tree stand out in our lower garden.

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