Monthly Archives: January 2021

The Day After …

“US Capitol in Late Afternoon”
Washington, DC

The siege of our Capitol yesterday by the Trump-incited mob is a travesty of respect for our democracy. For me, it will never be forgotten.

I reflect on more sane times like this image taken on a warm summer late afternoon around a decade ago. I have been lucky to have had the opportunity to be able to freely walk around the various sections and chambers of the Capitol back in the Reagan administration. It made me proud to watch open Congressional sessions. I gained an insight and appreciation of our Democracy in progress. Those opportunities are no longer available to the general public.

Many have not had the opportunity to visit the Capitol. My aunt, who was a retired school teacher, saw the Capitol for her first time in her late years. Tears came to her eyes, and she exclaimed that every young student should have the opportunity to visit the Capitol to understand how our nation is governed.

For the next several posts, I will share images of the experiences I have had working in and visiting our Capitol.

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Looking for Light

Hokkoji Lantern
Heatherwood Japanese Garden

The entrance path to our Japanese garden is in the shade in the early morning. I walked around the corner of the house and got a blast of sun rays shining through the crabapple and Japanese maples. Frost crystals reflected tiny speckles of light back at me. I stopped … and just took in the light and the abundance of early winter color.

I appreciate the light that surrounds us. It may be physical light, or it may be the light of a new thought, or even may be the light of a smile. I try to keep my mind clear and search out the light that each day brings. Something always appears!

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Abstract Thinking

“Rudbeckia Cezanne Style”
Heatherwood Meadow

As I was reviewing some of my past images, I saw this one and immediate thought of an Impressionistic painting. Topaz Impression and Cezanne came to my aid. Magic happens.

Below is the original image straight out of the camera.

“Original Image”

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Brightness to Start My Day

“Early Morning Beauty”
Heatherwood Meadow

Yesterday I woke up to a bright and brilliant early winter day. The skies were bright blue without a cloud. Sun was streaming down on our Heatherwood meadow. I grabbed my camera and went exploring. Many times when I wander through the garden I pick a certain photographic aspect that I want to practice. Yesterday I chose close-up isolation using depth of field. I chose a 100-400mm lens as my tool.

So off I went looking for a spent flower highlighted by the beautiful early morning sunlight with an interesting background. This is one of the “beauties” I found. It was a wonderful way to start my day.

Related Images:

A Beautiful Winter Day

“Winter Color”
Heatherwood Rock Garden

December 31 was a beautiful winter day and a great way to end the year in the garden. The temperature was in the mid-40’s and the sky was bright blue. Mary and I took a walk around the neighborhood and then settled into our Adirondack rockers or our lower patio. We closed our eyes and cherished the warm sun as it beamed down on our cheeks. It was a time for quiet and a little reflection on things that we were thankful for during the past year.

Peacefully sitting in our garden enjoying the warmth and beauty of nature, it just doesn’t get any better.

Related Images:

Heatherwood, 31 December 2020

Heatherwood From Above, Dec 2020

The last day of 2020 was a beautiful sunny winter day. Mary and I decided to take a little walk around the neighborhood and say goodbye to 2020. The walk felt very good … we should do it every day!

The above image will record the progress of Heatherwood as of the end of 2020. The property has changed considerably since I moved in at the beginning of 2016. For reference, below is an image that I took in March 2016.

Heatherwood Property March 2016

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May the New Year Be Bright!

“Cherry Tree Silhouette”
Heatherwood, Winter

I see the light and hope of a New Year rising above the shadows of the past difficult year. It may be a little blurry around the edges, but hope clearly shines through.

We have many difficult challenges to face: health, political, economic, cultural, social, and many that we cannot predict. But with every challenge, there is hope and opportunity. It is the responsibility of each of us to make the most of every moment and make the world we live in a better place.

Many things are moving in a positive direction. Vaccines are becoming available to cure the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Political change is on the horizon; hopefully it will bring our nation together instead of pulling us apart. Cultural and social awareness were brought to the forefront this past year. Positive change will be on all our minds. Economic issues will impact all of us differently, but financial resources are available to provide more, new, and different means to pull us forward.

Life has changed. This year will be a transition to bring us back to a new equilibrium. Things may first continue to get worse before they stabilize and get better. Patience, faith, hard work, and persistence will be required by all of us to move forward. Light and hope are ahead. It is up to all of us to pull together and proactively make it happen.

May the New Year be bright!

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